June 25, 2014

The sneaky hornball

Like the name refers to the sneaky hornball might seem nice from the beginning, but shall not be confused with the charming hornball. Even though they might start the conversation the same, the sneaky hornball just puts in his horniness casually in the conversation.

It is important to know that this conversation took place in the middle of the night. So he says that he is horny in the middle of a sentence like there is nothing to it. "If you say something about it, we'll talk, but if you ignore the fact that I am horny I will move on to the next girl". And that is why the sneaky hornball is so sneaky. Because he doesn't say flat out that he wants to sleep with you, he gives you the OPTION to start talking about how to handle his horniness. My response to this was "Oh tough times" and that pretty much ended our little conversation. "Oh, Badoo", how can you harbour all these horny men?

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