June 14, 2014


I am 24 years old, live in the Southern of Sweden, in university to get my bachelor's degree. I've been single for about 1.5 years , after being in a relationship for almost 3 years. Before that I haven't really been single since I was 14. So when one of my friends told med about Badoo I was at first skeptic, mainly because I wasn't ready. But then, after a few months I was lying in bed, bored to death and I thought to myself "Why not?". So I signed up.

For those who doesn't know what Badoo is, it's like Tinder and for you who doesn't know what that is here's the basics:
It's a dating site that is mainly an app for smartphones. You log on and then you get to say "Yes" or "No" to people, if you get a match (both parties have clicked "Yes") you can start messaging each other. You can also start IM-ing someone who haven't yet "rated", but the other person will get the opportunity to click "Not interested". That's is the basic idea of the site and like all the other sites you get to fill out what you like, what you're looking for, what your interest are etc.

What I didn't know when I signed up is that Badoo is known to be a "hook-up"-site and this is what this blog is going to be about: What guys write on Badoo and How the "normal" guy turns into a weirdo once you're on a date. So put your seatbelt on and be prepared to hear the stories that makes you go "Oh, Badoo!"

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