About miss Badoo

About miss Badoo

  • 24 year old from Sweden
  • Single for 1.5 years
  • Been a member on Badoo since May 2014
  • Enjoys dating and is considered picky
  • I have a PhD when it comes to dating and sex

Why this blog?

On a late drunken night I was chatting with my girlfriends and I was telling them the story about the Juice-guy, about the Hornball and I ended the whole lecture with telling them how to do the perfect BJ. In the drunken moment one of my friends says that I should really start writing a blog about my experiences, so here I am. Telling the truth about online-dating. 

I want to point out that I am not judging these guys, Oh, Badoo is a judge-free zone, but sometimes I wonder how they think. Can they really be serious? Even though I might sometimes make fun of them, I also want to say that I have had good dates and good encounters with guys on Badoo, but only writing about the nice ones wouldn't be fun. So take what I am writing with a pinch of salt and a lot of humour. 

Welcome to Oh, Badoo!

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