June 18, 2014

6 reasons why you should workout in order to have better sex

A lot of magazines writes about why you should work out to make your life better and every magazine now a days will in April have a big issue on the topic "Get your beach body now!". But for me, the workout does much more than that, it makes my sexlife better.  So here's my 6 reasons why you should workout in order to have better sex:

  1. When you're fit you feel more sexy...
  2. ...and when you feel sexy most people wants to have more sex
  3. You won't a cramp while doing it standing up (yes, it has happened)
  4. For women, the orgasms will feel more intense
  5. Being on top you will be able to go longer without getting tired because your stamina has improved
  6. The risk of impotence (mainly amongst men) will lower due to increased blood flow in the body
And also, don't forget that sex burns calories to, so you really get to have fun while working out.

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